Team — NeuroTinker

jarod white


Jarod found us after we sold a few early NeuroBytes kits to the UofM neuro department and thought the project was cool. He heads up firmware development and helps out a great deal with electrical engineering stuff, too. You can reach him at jarod(at)


CO-FOUNDER & Lead Engineer

Zach designed and manufactured the current generation of NeuroBytes prototypes. His background is in materials science and engineering (with a long history of electronics tinkering), so he's been learning a lot about neuroscience as of late. You can reach him at zach(at)

Joe Burdo

CO-FOUNDER & lead educator

Joe is the neuroscientist on the team and works on identifying neuron behavior in real nervous systems to model in a simplified manner, as well as educational curricula. His background is in undergraduate education and neurodegeneration research. You can reach him at joe(at) 


Watch our interview with This Week in Technology from the 2016 World Maker Faire in NYC